
Ready to tap into your wisdom?

We work with individuals and teams to maximize talent, drive innovation, and realize purpose. If you’re passionate about building a legacy of positive influence, we’d love to support your effort to solve for wisdom.

Our practice continually evolves, it is intended to respond the changing nature of you and your organization. Our methodologies bring together the core teaching of the past, both east and west traditions, at the same time bringing in key elements of the ever evolving new revelations in cognitive science, somatics and other disciplines.   

We consider our work to be integral, we work with the person and the world they live in.  When we can fully understand another person’s life our coaching is more powerful and effective. Integral Coaching awakens leaders to what is possible when they become clear, aware and integrate the many dimensions of themselves into their work.

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“The ship you are waiting to come in, may very well be the ship you need to build”

— Edward Harris Jr.

Our secret sauce: A focus on vertical development.

What does that mean?  Well, Horizontal growth means we become more competent. We become more efficient. For instance, we get to meetings on time, with more clear agendas, but nothing else, as we coaches would say, has shifted. And to be fair, there are times, we need to improve horizontally - but it falls far short of what is available through integral coaching.

Vertical Development refers to advancement in a person’s capability - it changes the way people experience their world  The outcome of vertical stage development is the ability to think in more complex, systemic, strategic, and interdependent ways. It is about how you think, which we can measure through stage development interviews and surveys.

We believe all internal and external stakeholders of your organization galvanized by self-learning may benefit from Integral Coaching.