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Success requires companies to think outside the box. In order to be innovative organizations must actively engage and include the unique and diverse perspectives of their team.

Today engaging different perspectives through diversity and inclusion is more important than ever. Diversity and inclusion are being seen as more than an initiative - it’s the way of doing business.

It takes a lot of courage to confront these issues but organizations committed to equality and social change must address them head on. This workshop is designed to enhance awareness of fundamental issues surrounding diversity. Through awareness, reflection and communication, it is possible to transform the prejudices inside your organization.

All Shapes and Sizes will probe deeper into the subject of transforming a culture into one of true Inclusiveness and ultimately Acceptance. Our compelling workshop will explore the impact and systemic change that organizations, communities and individuals can have on this transformation.

“We need to reach that happy stage of our development when differences and diversity are not seen as sources of division and distrust, but of strength and inspiration”

Josefa Iloilo