
Onboarding is more than just new hire orientation.

Often organizations think that onboarding stops at the new hire orientation. Orientation is just one event in the onboarding process. Onboarding is a series of events that explain your organization's brand and values, demonstrates who your people are and what your professional culture is. Onboarding aligns institutional expectations and performance; it also provides the tools for the employee to be successfully assimilated into his or her position with a quicker ramp-up to productivity.

33% of new hires quit their job after about 6 months

73% of organizations overhauled their onboarding to improve their employee retention last year.

One third of employees knew whether they would stay with their company long-term after their first week.
According to the Dept of Labor Statistics, the cost to replace an employee is 40% of their annual salary.  (Data from 2015)


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We believe a robust onboarding process is longer than 90 days, even more than 180 days. How long depends on your level of commitment to keeping and growing your key team members. The onboarding process involves constant communication, feedback, and performance measurement; these elements are keys to employee longevity and loyalty, along with employees’ understanding of how they fit into the big picture. It follows the employee lifecycle for mentoring and development.

Organizations that seamlessly transition candidates through the new hire and onboarding experience, then into the performance management process matriculate the new employees and provide a springboard for success.